Your Ultimate Guide to Your Best Self In Your 40's

Helping you Thrive in your Health, Wealth & Relationships

As featured in:

                                 We are here to support you on your JOURNEY to a :

Healthy You

40s is the time when you may see your metabolism slow down, pre-menopausal symptoms and other bodily changes. Read on to be physically and mentally healthy.

Wealthy You

No doubt, money is not everything. But it is the thing that can buy us EXPERIENCES to enhance our health & relationships.  

Happy You

Without love and people to share the love with, life feels empty. Read on to learn how to love yourself and others and enhance the quality of your relationships. 

You are here because:

  • You probably noticed how life feels different In Your 40s 
  • Noticing changes in your physical health
  • Finding yourself focus on the bigger picture in life
  • Your relationships with long time significant others may feel stagnant and blah
  • Your kids are growing and maybe even acting up
  • You may be pre-menopausal or experiencing menopause
  • You are mentally exhausted
  • Your metabolism slows down
  • Wine seems to be your best friend
  • You enjoy your girlfriend’s company even more
  • You dream of doing something different with your life and break the rut but feel held back by the stability of your job, your current routine and life in general
  • You are doing decent career-wise and may even be at the peak of your career or reentering the workforce 
  • You may be trying to get your side hustle get off the ground
  • You don’t care about what others think or say about you..or at the least pretend to think you don’t
  • Going clubbing doesn’t sound like a night of fun..
  • Those laugh lines around your eyes are more pronounced

This is just a sample of what life In Your 40s may be like! There are many other facets and many other ways your life could be different. We are here to support each other irrespective of how it is and help each other navigate these hormonal years of our life to make it out to the other side as our BEST self.

Join Other Fab 40's

Join other like-minded, ambitious and talented women in their 40s  to contribute and learn from each other.

Free Resources

Resources to help you kickstart a better YOU!

“ Of course I want to look my best. I want to feel vibrant. But I know for sure that the pathway to your best life isn’t the route of denial.  


Staking a claim in right now. And with gratitude, embracing the AGE you are. ”

Oprah Winfrey

Your 40's doesn't have to be the midlife slump that leaves you vulnerable, shameful or unhappy.

Join our newsletter today to reboot the most important areas of your life.

After all, 40's is the new 20's!