How to Lose Fat, Faster and Safer In Your 40s

Take a moment to think back to the last time you tried to diet. Did you start off by drastically limiting your intake of food, or maybe by reducing your intake of carbs or fats?

Far too many people who decide to lose fat immediately start to make drastic changes to their diet and lifestyle without thinking about the best possible, most well-researched methods for fat loss.

For your best results, your fat loss process needs to be safe, effective, and even fun and engaging to commit to.

The Problem With Most Fat Loss Programs

Maybe you thought about how hard this process of losing fat was going to be and decided that you would try a weight loss program. The only issue that these programs have is they are generally not specific to the person – in this case, you.

Yes, generally eating in moderation with nutritious foods can lead to fat loss ‒ but in some cases, it may only be a short-term fix to a long-term goal.

In order for you to make sustainable weight loss, your dietary needs should be completely specific to you. The question then arises, how do we create a plan that is specific to our lifestyle, body type, and specific goals?

Solving the Fat Loss Challenge

Fixing fat loss challenges isn’t always an easy feat. Maybe you struggle, not because it is overly difficult, but because you haven’t planned or prepared enough for the task ahead of you ‒ or perhaps your program isn’t built with your needs in mind.

For example, you could have a program that is built for high-fat, but your body isn’t built well to handle these demands. After eating high-fat for a couple weeks, you may see a slight reduction in total weight, but this process could plateau or worse, make you ill.

Consider these essential things to lose fat effectively:

  • 1. Your ethnicity. Your cultural background affects what is best for you to eat. For example, chances are if you come from a Mediterranean background, your body will best adapt to a diet that is plentiful in fish, grains, and fruit. This is what your ancestors have eaten for generations.

TAKEAWAY: Try out the foods that your parents and their parents would have eaten.

  • 2. Your body type. There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Ensuring that you have a brief understanding of which body type you fall into best will help you to eat the correct number of macronutrients. For example, ectomorph body types have a much better usage rate for carbohydrates, whereas endomorphs are much better at using fats. Mesomorphs may have no trouble eating what they want to eat, as they may lose weight easily and gain weight just as readily.

TAKEAWAY: Understanding which body type you fit into will help to eat the correct foods, specific to your body.

  • 3. Any exercise is better than no exercise. Many people get stuck when they start to exercise. They think that what they’re doing could be wrong, harmful, or even not enough to be effective, so they stop.Instead, think about this from the idea that any exercise is better than none. Instead of being hesitant to drop down into a set of pushups, just do it.

TAKEAWAY: Keep your training simple. Start with 30 minutes of strength-related exercises and finish with 30 minutes of cardio conditioning. Complete this simple routine 3-4 times a week and watch as you start to lose weight quickly and effectively. Most importantly, the weight stays off.

Ensure that you’re taking a smart approach to your diet and exercise plan. Do your best to avoid generic programs or strange diet fads that are just as confusing as the food they want you to eat.

Eat fresh food and consider where your parents came from. Eating food that is similar to the generations of food before them will be very easy for your body to handle.

Consistent exercise, understanding your body type and eating food that your body is destined for is the key to losing more fat in a safe and fast way in your 40s.